2022.07 - 至今 中北大学,能源与动力工程学院,讲师
2018.09 - 2022.06 北京理工大学,动力机械及工程专业,博士
2017.08 - 2018.08 重庆长安汽车股份有限公司,动力研究院,排气系统工程师
2014.09 - 2017.06 中北大学,动力工程专业,硕士
2010.09 - 2014.07 中北大学,热能与动力工程专业,学士
[1] Run Zou, Jinxiang Liu*, Huichao Jiao, Nana Wang*, Jingjing Zhao. Numerical study on auto-ignition development and knocking characteristics of a downsized rotary engine under different inlet pressures [J]. Fuel 2022; 309: 122046. (SCI 1区TOP IF=8.035)
[2] Run Zou, Yuan Li, Jinxiang Liu*, Nana Wang*, Qinghan Zeng, Jiong Li. Numerical study on the effects of spark strategies on knocking combustion in a downsized gasoline rotary engine [J]. Energy. (SCI 1区TOP IF=8.857) (Accepted)
[3] Run Zou, Jinxiang Liu*, Huichao Jiao, Jingjing Zhao, Nana Wang. Combined effect of intake angle and chamber structure on flow field and combustion process in a small-scaled rotary engine [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering 2022; 203: 117652. (SCI 2区TOP IF=6.465)
[4] Run Zou, Jinxiang Liu*, Nana Wang, Huichao Jiao. Combined effects of intake oxygen enrichment, intake pressure and temperature on combustion behavior and emission characteristics of a small-scaled rotary engine [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering 2022; 207: 118096. (SCI 2区TOP IF=6.465)
[5] Run Zou, Jinxiang Liu*, Nana Wang*. Effect of recess shape on combustion performance and knocking characteristics for a downsized gasoline rotary engine [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering 2022; 214: 118758. (SCI 2区TOP IF=6.465)
[6] Huichao Jiao, Run Zou, Nana Wang, Baoyang Luo, Wenchao Pan, Jinxiang Liu*. Optimization design of the ignition system for Wankel rotary engine considering ignition environment, flow, and combustion [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering 2022; 201: 117713. (SCI 2区TOP IF=6.465)
[7] Huichao Jiao, Jinxiang Liu*, Run Zou, Nana Wang. Combined influence of ignition chamber volume and spark plug channel diameter on the performance of small natural gas Wankel rotary engine [J]. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 2021; 15: 120192. ( SCI 1区TOP IF=8.391)
[8] Huichao Jiao, Xianlei Ye, Run Zou, Nana Wang, Jinxiang Liu*. Comparative study on ignition and combustion between conventional spark-ignition method and near-wall surface ignition method for small-scale Wankel rotary engine [J]. Energy 2022; 255: 124500. (SCI 1区TOP IF=8.857)
[9] Yuan Li, Jinxiang Liu, Gu Zhong, Weiqing Huang*, Run Zou. Analysis of a diesel engine cylinder head failure caused by casting porosity defects [J]. Engineering Failure Analysis 2021; 127: 105498. ( SCI 2区TOP IF=3.114)
[1] 一种转子发动机的增压结构,专利号:ZL2020100905381.
[2] 一种小型转子发动机燃烧室内火花塞点火装置及方法,专利号:ZL2019108472075.
[3] 一种小型煤油转子发动机双喷射系统,专利号:ZL2020101973352.