学 科:新能源材料与器件

政治面貌: 中共党员
办公电话: 19581545825
电子信箱: liulei91@nuc.edu.cn
2021.09—至今 中北大学,能源动力工程学院,讲师
2017.09—2021.06 北京航空航天大学,物理学院,博士
2014.09—2017.06 西南科技大学,材料科学与工程学院,硕士
2010.09—2014.06 河南理工大学,材料科学与工程学院,学士
[1] Liu Lei, Du Kai, He Zhibing, Wang Tao, Zhong Xiaolan*, Ma Teng, Yang Jiaming, He Yingchun, Dong Guobo, Wang Shunhua, Diao Xungang*, High-temperature adaptive and robust ultra-thin inorganic all-solid-state smart electrochromic energy storage devices, Nano Energy, 2019, 62: 46-54. (IF: 17.881)
[2] Liu Lei, Diao Xungang, He Zhibing, Yi Yong, Wang Tao, Wang Mengying, Huang Jinglin, He Xiaoshan, Zhong Xiaolan, Du Kai*, High-performance all-inorganic portable electrochromic Li-ion hybrid supercapacitors toward safe and smart energy storage, Energy Storage Materials, 2020, 33: 258-267.( IF: 17.789)
[3] Liu Lei, Wang Tao, He Zhibing, Yi Yong, Wang Mengying*, Luo Zhihui, Liu Qirong, Zhong Xiaolan, Diao Xungang*, All-solid-state electrochromic Li-ion hybrid supercapacitors for intelligent and wide-temperature energy storage, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 414: 128892. (IF:13.273)
[4] Liu Lei, Zhang Qianqian*, Du Kai, He Zhibing, Wang Tao, Yi Yong, Wang Mengying, Zhong Xiaolan, Dong Guobo, Diao Xungang*, An intelligent and portable power storage device able to visualize the energy status, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7: 23028-23037. (IF: 12.732)
[5] Luo Zhihui, Liu Lei*, Yang Xiaoyong, Luo Xuan, Bi Peng, Fu Zhenjin, Pang Aimin, Li Wei, Yi Yong*, Revealing the charge storage mechanism of nickel oxide electrochromic supercapacitors, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12: 39098-39107. (IF: 9.229)
[6] Chengfu Deng, Kai Zhang, Lei Liu, Zhibing He, Jinglin Huang, Tao Wang, Yansong Liu, Xiaoshan He, Kai Du, Yong Yi, High-performance all-solid-state electrochromic asymmetric Zn-ion supercapacitors for visualization of energy storage devices, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2022, 10, 17326-17337. (IF: 12.732)
[7] Lei Liu, Jinglin Huang, Xiaoshan He, Tao Wang*, Zhibing He, Kai Du, Xungang Diao. Preparation and characterization of high quality diamond like carbon films on Si microspheres. Materials Letters, 2018, 220, 309-312. ( IF: 3.423)
[8] Lei Liu, TaoWang, Jinglin Huang, Zhibing He*, Yong Yi, Kai Du, Diamond-like carbon thin films with high density and low internal stress deposited by coupling DC/RF magnetron sputtering. Diamond & Related Materials, 2016, 70, 151-158. ( IF: 3.315)
[9] 杜凯, 王涛, 刘磊等, 微球涂覆类金刚石薄膜滚动震荡装置, CN 106381475 B。