
邮箱 :yaoxl1991@163.com
2021.10至今 中北大学 能源动力工程学院
2017.09-2021.09 山东大学 动力工程及工程热物理 博士
2019.10-2020.10 代尔夫特理工大学(荷兰) 土木工程 联合培养博士
2014.09-2017.06 山西大学 资源循环科学与工程 硕士
2010.09-2014.06 青岛科技大学 应用化学 本科
1、 工业固废全组分利用制备低碳胶凝材料及其衍生绿色产品;
2、 固废超微粉化处理及其产品应用研究;
3、 工业固废基储能材料的制备与应用。
1. Yao X, Wang W, Liu M, et al. Synergistic use of industrial solid waste mixtures to prepare ready-to-use lightweight porous concrete [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 211: 1034-1043.
2. Yao X, Yang S, Huang Y, et al. Effect of CaSO4 batching in raw material on the iron-bearing mineral transition of ferric-rich sulfoaluminate cement [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 250: 118783.
3. Yao X, Yang S, Dong H, et al. Effect of CaO content in raw material on the mineral composition of ferric-rich sulfoaluminate clinker [J], Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 263, 120431.
4. Yao X, Liao H, Dong H, et al. Influence of water repellent on properties of calcium sulfoaluminate cement paste and its application in lightweight porous concrete [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 282122731;
5. Yao X, Dong H, Liu H, et al. Preparation of ferric-rich sulfoaluminate cement from solid wastes and characterizationof its mineral formation process [J]. Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials, 2023, 2243462.
6. 姚星亮,廖洪强,宋慧平,程芳琴。钢渣超微粉理化特性[J]. 钢铁研究学报, 2017, (03): 195-200;
7. S Yang, Yao X, J Li, et al. Preparation and properties of ready-to-use low-density foamed concrete derived from industrial solid wastes [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 287, 122946;
8.Wu S, Yao X, Ren C, et al. Recycling phosphogypsum as a sole calcium oxide source in calcium sulfoaluminate cement and its environmental effects [J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2020, 271: 110986;
9. Li Z, Yao X, Chen Y, et al. A Low Autogenous Shrinkage Alkali-Activated Slag and Fly Ash Concrete [J]. Applied Sciences, 2020, 10(17): 6092;
10. 廖洪强,姚星亮,宋慧平,程芳琴。 钢渣超微粉的粒度分布分析研究[J]. 冶金分析, 2017, 37 (1): 8-14;
1. 王文龙,姚星亮,宋占龙,等,一种全工业固废高强度即用型发泡混凝土材料及制备方法,2020-7-17, 中国, ZL201810783478.4
2. 廖洪强,姚星亮,程芳琴,等,一种基于镁渣制备硅钾肥的方法,2017-6-30,中国,ZL201510066308.0。