学科: 动力工程及工程热物理

出生年月: 1991年9月
最高学位: 工学博士
专业技术职务: 讲师
行政职务: 无
博/硕导: 否
政治面貌: 群众
电子信箱: liangxiaocong@nuc.edu.cn
2019.01–至今 中北大学,能源动力工程学院,讲师
2014.09–2018.09 华南理工大学,化学与化工学院,能源化学工程,工学博士
2010.09–2014.07 华南理工大学,化学与化工学院,应用化学,理学学士
1. 生物质能高值化利用
2. 基于膜分离技术的溶剂回收与循环
3. 储热功能材料的制备与利用
1. Liang, Xiaocong*, Hantao Liu. High-efficiency recovery of 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate for sugarcane bagasse pretreatment with industrialized technology. Separation & Purification Technology 238(2020):116437.(IF:5.107).
2. Liang, Xiaocong, Y. Fu, and J. Chang. Sustainable production of methyl levulinate from biomass in ionic liquid-methanol system with biomass-based catalyst. Fuel 259 (2020): 116246. (IF:5.128)
3. Liang, Xiaocong, Y. Fu, and J. Chang. Effective separation, recovery and recycling of deep eutectic solvent after biomass fractionation with membrane-based methodology. Separation & Purification Technology 210 (2019): 409-416. (IF:5.107)
4. Liang, Xiaocong, Y. Fu, and J. Chang. Research on the quick and efficient recovery of 1-allyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride after biomass pretreatment with ionic liquid-aqueous alcohol system. Bioresource Technology 245 (2017):760–767.(IF:6.669)
5. Liang, Xiaocong, Y. Fu, and J. Chang. Recovery of ionic liquid via a hybrid methodology of electrodialysis with ultrafiltration after biomass pretreatment. Bioresource Technology 220 (2016): 289-296. (IF:6.669)
6. Liang, Xiaocong, Y. Fu, J. Liu and J. Chang. Influence of anti-solvents on lignin fractionation of eucalyptus globulus via green solvent system pretreatment. Separation & Purification Technology 163 (2016): 258-266. (IF:5.107)
常杰, 梁骁聪, 刘钧, & 付严. (2016). 一种从竹材中分离提取纤维素和木质素的方法. 授权发明专利,授权号:ZL201510937027.8